Driving driving
Panicked and heartsick
Having gotten the call
And knowing time was short
How long till I get there
Can't leave house to get on the road until I make plans
Have to make plans
Daughter has to be ok
And taken care of
Lesson plans have to be sent
Gotta get there on time
To say goodbye and try to tell her
In inadequate words how much I love her
To kiss her and touch her for the last time
Driving driving
Have to make it
It only takes two hours
He said it could be from two to forty eight hours
Hoping with all my heart it's the latter
Driving driving
Remembering other times when I got previous calls
Come, time is short
To tell those I love how much I love them
To kiss them for the last time
To hold their hands while their lives slipped away
To be there in that sacred space while the angels lovingly and graciously
Led them away to a new existence
Always made it in time
Driving driving
Other cars passing me
Have to go faster
No police stopping me
Almost there
At the parking garage and leaving car
Going straight to the hospital
Have to go through emergency room because it's late
Have to get a pass to her room
Surely I got here in time
I always did before
Another phone call
She's passed away
Time stops
Heart slips
Breath catches and throat constricts
I didn't make it
I always did before
Raw numbness
Enter her room
Into the unbearable sanctity
Of a vast cathedral
Dense with silence
And all that that means
Hugged by siblings who were such blessings to her
And she to them
...and she to me
See her lying there
just like she used to when she was sleeping
Impossible to believe
Shaking shaking
Can't stop shaking
Sitting sitting
And knowing that time has stopped forever
By Chrissy Bell
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